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Sheepskin Rugs
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Founded in 1879 in the heart of Cambridgeshire, Eastern Counties Leather have a long history of manufacturing British Sheepskin Rugs and Chamois Leather. In recent years we have extended our range to include luxury coats, gloves, slippers, purses, bags and much more.

We have created an outstanding collection which represents the best of British and International leather and sheepskin products. Our suppliers use manufacturing techniques that bring together the best of traditional craftsmanship using carefully sourced and selected materials and modern production methods.

Our collection of leather and sheepskin coats have been hand crafted to ensure the finest quality, providing comfort and style for everyday wear.
The combination of both genuine leather and premium sheepskin wool create a timeless piece that never leaves the fashion circle. Our stunning pieces come in a variety of styles including aviator jackets, gilets, duffle coats and our classic range of sheepskin coats that are crafted with the finest sourced double faced sheepskin.
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